Test Survey

Survey Deadline:
Date Created:
1 46

About Test Survey

Testing all of the different kinds of survey questions to make sure everything is working out alright. There are currently 17 different kinds of survey questions:

  1. Short Answer
    1. User can respond to the survey question with a short answer.
    2. The survey creator can specify a min and max length for the short answer response.
    3. The results of the question will be shown on a dimensionality-reduced plot.
      1. Maybe add a histogram for common responses as well.
  2. Date
    1. User can respond to the survey question by selecting a date.
    2. The survey creator can specify a min date, max date, and a step size for valid dates.
    3. Results of this survey question should be shown on a histogram with a slider to change the bin size.
  3. Paragraph
    1. User can respond to the survey question with a paragraph.
    2. The survey creator can specify a min and max length for the paragraph.
    3. The results of this survey question should be shown on a dimensionality-reduced plot. There should also be a way for users to select portions of the dimensionality reduced graph and ask questions about those clusters using RAG.
  4. Datetime
    1. User can respond to the survey question by selecting a date and time.
    2. The survey creator can specify a min datetime, max datetime, and a step size for valid datetimes.
    3. Results of this survey question should be shown on a histogram with a slider to change the bin size.
  5. Short Blog
    1. Users can respond to the survey question with a short blog post.
    2. The results of this survey question should be shown on a dimensionality-reduced plot. There should also be a way for users to select portions of the dimensionality reduced graph and ask questions about those clusters using RAG.
  6. Time
    1. User can respond to the survey question by selecting a time.
    2. The survey creator can specify a min time, max time, and a step size for valid times.
    3. Results of this survey question should be shown on a histogram with a slider to change the bin size.
  7. Multiple Choice
    1. Users can respond to the survey question by selecting a maximum of one option provided to them by the survey creator.
    2. Each option can either be
      1. some content in a rich text editor,
      2. an image,
      3. an audio recording, or
      4. a video.
    3. Results of this survey question should be shown on a histogram.
  8. Checkbox
    1. Users can respond to the survey question by selecting as many options as they want provided to them by the survey creator.
    2. Each option can either be
      1. some content in a rich text editor,
      2. an image,
      3. an audio recording, or
      4. a video.
    3. Results of this survey question should be shown on a histogram.
  9. Image
    1. User can respond to the survey question with an image.
    2. The results of this survey question should be shown on a dimensionality-reduced plot. There should also be a way for users to select portions of the dimensionality reduced graph and ask questions about those clusters using RAG.
  10. Audio
    1. User can respond to the survey question with an audio recording.
    2. The results of this survey question should be shown on a dimensionality-reduced plot. There should also be a way for users to select portions of the dimensionality reduced graph and ask questions about those clusters using RAG.
  11. Range
    1. User can respond to the survey question by selecting a value from a range slider.
    2. The survey creator can specify a min and max value for the range slider, and the
    3. Results of this survey question should be shown on a histogram with a slider to change the bin size.
  12. Video
    1. User can respond to the survey question with a video.
    2. The results of this survey question should be shown on a dimensionality-reduced plot. There should also be a way for users to select portions of the dimensionality reduced graph and ask questions about those clusters using RAG.
  13. Month
    1. User can respond to the survey question by selecting a month and year.
    2. Survey creator can specify a min month, max month, and step size for months.
    3. Results of this survey question should be shown on a histogram with a slider to change the bin size.
  14. Color
    1. User can respond to the survey question with a color.
    2. The way to show the poll results for color inputs is complicated. It could be done on a 3D plot where the base of the plot (x-y axes is a hexagonal color map). It could be done by making the opacity the frequency indicator for each chosen color.
  15. Ranking
    1. User can respond to the survey question by ranking the options provided to them. Users rank the options using drag and drop functionality.
    2. Each option can either be
      1. some content in a rich text editor,
      2. an image,
      3. an audio recording, or
      4. a video.
    3. Results of this survey question should be shown on a histogram.
  16. Selection
    1. Users respond to the survey question by selecting an option from a drop down menu.
    2. Results of this survey question should be shown on a histogram.
  17. Number
    1. Users can respond to the survey question by inputting a number.
    2. Survey creator can specify a min number, max number, and step size for the number.
    3. Results of this survey question should be shown on a histogram with a slider to change the bin size.

Showing Results


What is your name?

Minimum Length: 1

Maximum Length: 100

When were you born?

Min Date: 1900-01-01

Max Date: 2025-02-13

What do you like / dislike about this site?

more characters required

What time do you think is best for the meeting?

Min Datetime: 2025-02-13T23:00

Max Datetime: 2025-03-30T11:00

What do you like / dislike the most about the survey creator functionality?

Enter a short blog response here...

What time in the day were you born?

Min Time: 00:00:00

Max Time: 23:59:59

What is your favorite logo from the provided logos?

Nike Logo
FedEx Logo

Below is the mustang logo

Mustang Logo

Respond with an image of your favorite painting.

Which of the following teams do you root for? Select all that apply.

Respond with an audio recording of your favorite song.

On a range of 0-100, how happy would you say you are?

Current Value: 50

Upload the favorite video you have saved.

What was the best month of your life?

Min Month: 1990-01

Max Month: 2025-01

What's your favorite color?


List the NFL teams from most to least favorite.

Buffalo Bills

Baltimore Ravens

Miami Dolphins

New England Patriots

New York Jets

Cincinnati Bengals

Cleveland Browns

Another Team

Pittsburgh Steelers

What is your favorite state out of the following?

How old are you?

Minimum: 18

Maximum: 125

Step: 1

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